Sunday, February 10, 2013

Beautiful Reflections

This semester in college proves to be the hardest one yet. I have an internship that I attend to in the morning and I go to school in the evening right up to 9pm at night. I am a firm believer though that when you want something you have to work hard to get it, even if it means dinner at 10pm with the hubby (he waits for me with dinner! How sweet is he?), writing papers on the weekends and falling asleep right smack at 9pm and not wanting to party.
The thing is, ambition has always taken me great places and this time it's no exception. Three years and a half ago when I moved to Houston I thought my professional and personal life had gone down the drain (I was only 24 but I can be very dramatic); no plans, no friends and no job. Three years after, I'm writing my own beauty blog, I'm learning so much including how to shoot beauty products at HCC college (with a 3.9 GPA may I brag) and loving every minute of it.
Amazing people have come into my life(you know who you are!) and amazing people have stayed(my hometown buddies who are always in my heart), I have an internship at 002houston magazine that is teaching me so much about photography, writing, beauty (because in reality, you never really stop learning) and gaining me new friends.
And did I mention I married my best friend and better half recently?
There is one common thread in all of this: I've been working really hard and incessantly to make it all happen which makes these three and a half years that I've struggled in one way or another totally worth it.I'd like to quote my hubby on something he told me when I told him I felt really happy about my life right now but was so scared to be too happy (I know, it's stupid! LOL) which is why I wrote this entry: "You have to be happy for what you have right now and enjoy it and keep working hard on what you want, and everything will be alright". I'm going to go ahead, take a deep sigh and do just that.
Sorry for the unusually long post this Sunday night! I was too inspired by the hustle and bustle of my weekdays.Hey, and what do you all think of my product shots? I'm in love with them and can't wait to shoot more!
Stay Beautiful!

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