Friday, November 30, 2012

Hair Savers

Tired, thirsty hair? These are a few products I use to keep my color treated hair healthy. If your hair isn't color-treated these are still great tips to keep your hair shiny and manageable.
My Hair Savers!
Remember these easy tips:
1) Do not sleep in a ponytail, it tears your hair out and makes split ends more noticeable.
2) Give your hair a blow dryer and flat iron break! Let your strands air dry. I usually do that all week and I'll flat iron my hair on the weekend-----big difference!
3) Treat your hair to a hot oil treatment like Alberto V05 Hot Oil (I know, so old school! But it works so well!)or hair mask weekly. They usually only take 2-5 minutes in the shower so don't be lazy.
4) Untangle your hair with a wide comb brush (this one is Conair) in the shower with conditioner or outside of the shower with a leave in treatment like the L'Oreal Moroccan Oil.
5) When you do flat iron, apply a heat protect spray like No.4 Super Comb Hair & Protect focusing on the bottom half of your hair and tips.
Look at my hair looking so healthy and shiny!
My photo taken by Abraham Velasquez.

1 comment:

  1. Nicky I love vo5 hot oil, it works like a charm. Thought I was the only one who still loved it.
